These Jason Miller Syndicate Criminals are fantastic! Inspired by the unique Pyke Syndicate look from animation, these sculpts are highly detailed and look great at Legion scale. These 14 models give you Melee and Blaster bearing guards, Captains and Syndicate Leaders. Models come with 28mm basic bases. If your looking for a unique proxy group of forces that are Scum and Villainy centered!
Models arrive unassembled and unprimed
Below is a link to the Artist - BigMillerBro
Jason Miller has been design for over a decade. His unique vision brings miniatures, terrain, vehicles and accessories to your tabletop game. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Custom - Jason tackles it all. Thank you for your interest in and support of their work!
- Interested in the digital 3D printing files? Find this design and more for personal-use only, at Jason's Patreon and Gumroad pages: and