Black Remnant has created the Death Pirates Gang Bundle to add a great proxy for your Sci-Fi Tabletop! These armored pirates have incredible detailed weapons and armor. Cool accessories attached to their vests and waists help them in the environments they are tasked with operating in. Masks will allow them to breath in harsh environments... like space. Models have the little iconic details we would hope to see in a sci-fi tabletop mini.
Purchase Includes parts for up to 8 mini's in the following possible poses:
Mini 1 - Commander calling out orders
Mini 2 - Kneeling aiming
Mini 3 - Lizard enforcer
Mini 4 - Face tentacled alien
Mini 5 - walking carbine firing (mirrored)
Mini 6 - walking carbine firing
Mini 7 - Standing aiming carbine (mirrored)
Mini 8 - Standing aiming carbine
Purchase includes parts for 8 mini's.
Mini's arrive unassembled and unprimed with 8 basic 27mm basic bases