Anvilrage Studios has created the Commando Division to add a great proxy for your Sci-Fi Tabletop! These highly detailed models of Replicator Special Forces Troopers outfitted specially for the purpose of having a unique set of mini's on the table you can't find anywhere else! Need a new Stargrave crew? This bundle is flexible for any Sci-Fi table top game you may be considering.
Bundle comes in a modular set that let's you can create your own poses. Poses listed below are for description only and are describing the renders below. You get to mix and match your forces to your liking. These models are fun to assemble and paint!
Purchase Includes 9 mini's in the following possible poses:
Pose 1 - Commander
Pose 2 - Heavy Rifle
Pose 3 - Flamethrower
Pose 4 - Walking with Carbine
Pose 5 - From the Hip - Carbine Kneeling
Pose 6 - Aiming Carbine Kneeling
Pose 7 - Raising Carbine
Pose 8 - Running with Carbine
Pose 9 - Standing Aiming
Purchase includes 9 unique mini's. If you have very specific needs or requests please email in regards to scaling. Please note special requests or scaling may result in an additional fee, depending on the request.
Mini's arrive unassembled and unprimed with 9 basic 27mm bases