The Emperor's Naval Troopers make sure all materiel get to the right destination.. guarded and protected all the way, cough..
Raven X Studios got these models right though! The Naval Troopers are in classic poses, 7 in all! Bundle includes 1 unique officer pose and 6 Naval Helmeted Troopers in various motion and activity, with 27mm basic bases. All Models arrive unassembled and unprimed.
Below is a link to the Artist - Raven X Studios
Raven X Studios has brought many unique models to the tabletop gaming community across many genre's, including models inspired by great Star Wars and Star Trek characters. Looking to the future Raven X Studios plans to branch out and Ham Solo can't wait to print these great models!
- Interested in the digital 3D printing files? Find this design and more for personal-use only, at Gumroad page: